What this means, dear reader, is that ski season FAST APPROACHES! All my good intentions of increased cardio and strength training for the upcoming ski season have fallen by the wayside. Instead, it's been home renos, long commutes and early mornings in an attempt to bring good marketing and advertising to the world. Yes, 'real life' has taken over. Sound the alarm.
On my most recent 'commute' up to Gods country I was amazed at the amount of snow that had blanketed the hills. Farmers fields were covered. Mounds of hay now resembled abominable snowmen. Cows and horses looked confused, as though they too had woken up and realized that winter was upon them. The sheep seemed smug in their prefab woollen sweaters ... but that's a separate issue altogether ...
A sense of panic overcame me. With each passing year I am less able to BOUND from my bed and hit the ski hill without a care in the world. While still far from 'old age', each year sadly does produce a number of new aches and pains. And with an intense distaste for structured aerobic fun (exception being yoga of course), I turn to food to bring me increased energy, a reduced waistline and the power to THROW MYSELF OFF MOUNTAIN TOPS!!!!
Ladies and gentlemen - the months of green smoothies are upon us. Long gone are the weekly farmers markets brimming with fresh, local produce. It's time to grab your blenders, magic bullets, vita-whats-its and let's get this annual show on the road ...